The Alterhuman Dictionary

As with any subculture, the alterhuman / alterbeing community has its own language and slang for referring to the things that are common within said subculture. This website aims to be an accessible and comprehensive dictionary resource for the community. As is standard for dictionaries, this is in alphabetical order, and this dictionary does not claim to be the original source for anything listed. You can use the Alt and F keys to search for a particular word.



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An alterhuman/alterbeing who does not align themselves with humans and humanity.


An alterhuman/alterbeing who aligns themselves with humans and humanity.


An absolute abolitionist refusal of the human.


An umbrella term for beings who have, or wish to have, a body that deviates from what is expected in society, or typical notions in general. This ranges from your whole body, to parts of your body.


Alternatively called 'aliumthrope'. An identity describing a disconnect/detachment from humanity, regardless of why or if they’re human/alterhuman/nonhuman. Alternatively, having a connection/attachment to nonhumanity.


A term for alterhumans that love other alterhumans, exclusively or not.


A medical term for a singular person, being or entity in a system or collective.


A less human-centric version of the term "alterhuman", focusing on identities that fall outside what is traditionally considered "being". This term includes otherkin, fictionkin, therianthropes, copinglinks, otherlinks, systems, starseeds, other/fiction/animal-hearted, and soulbonders.


A category of personal identity which encompasses identification that is alternative to the common societal idea of humanity. This term includes otherkin, fictionkin, therianthropes, copinglinks, otherlinks, systems, starseeds, other/fiction/animal-hearted, and soulbonders.


Denoting events, experiences or phenomena (such as shifts, anomalous memories, phantom/astral limbs, headmates, soulbonding, unexplained urges and feelings, etc) that are considered typical in the alterhuman experience, as well as other phenomena related to non-human connections and fictional worlds.


A catch-all term to describe a state of having sex characteristics or a combination of sex characteristics that deviate from what would be considered perisex, while not being intersex. It is used to describe fictional characters who have bodies not found naturally in humans, but are not considered intersex within the fiction. Real beings may also self-identify with it when their plan and/or view of their true or ideal body does not fit traditional human sexes, as well as when they have undergone HRT and/or surgery.


Identifying as alterhuman out of spite. It can be with a specific being, species, or concept, or just rejecting humanity broadly. It is not an inherent identity, but something later adopted due to life experiences. Some can be directly related to being forced to go through forms of dehumanization in one's life. ("I am catvexo. I am a catvex. I have multiple altervexes. I am catvexic.")


An alterhuman/alterbeing whose alignment with humans and humanity is ambiguous, or who feels ambivalent towards their alignment.


A being from an alternate time stream. The timeline diverges in a 'Y' intersection, and an analogous relationship exists between the beings at the top two points of the 'Y'. The being on the left is an analog of the being on the right, and vice versa.


An individual or group of people who are against otherkin identities. Can also refer to the ideology against otherkin identity.


An identity under the alterhuman umbrella in which one heavily identifies with or otherwise experiences an archetype, trope, or otherwise preestablished character model in a way that is central to their identity. It may not necessarily be inherently nonhuman, but has enough of an impact on one's identity to be experienced in similar ways to other alterhuman labels.


To not be any particular species. Can also be used in a similar way to ahuman (ie, a full abolitionist rejection of species).

Astral Limb:

A non-corporeal limb or other body part that manifests on the astral plane. Similar to supernumerary phantom limbs, but is only associated with one's astral body.

Astral Shift:

Also called an a-shift. A shift where one takes on the form of their kin/therio/fictotype within the astral plane.

Aura Shift:

Also called an au-shift. A shift where one's aura changes to reflect their kin/therio/fictotype.


Also called auxlibeing. A subterm of the broader 'auxlian'. Describes someone who has an alterhuman identity that appears as or imitates humanity, but isn't truly human.


An event in which a person discovers that they are otherkin.


When a person first comes to understand that he is an animal at heart (a Were), he is said to have become “awere”.



Berserker Shift:

A shift where one's kintype takes over, characterized by loss of control or an altered state of consciousness.

Bilocation Shift:

A shift where one's spirit leaves their body and takes on a ghostly or corporeal form of one's kin/theriotype, allowing one to exist in a different location as their human body.


A derogatory term to refer to one who identifies as several different kinds of creatures.



Cameo Shift:

An event in which a therianthrope experiences a shift which feels like an animal that is not a known theriotype.


A term used by fictionkin. Could either refer to events in the fictional source that a being is from, or the particular universe that a being comes from. ("In my canon, I didn't die from that. My friend got me to a hospital in time.")


A term used by fictionkin. Those from the same universe that you were from.


An offspring of fairies or elves left in place of a human child stolen by said fairies or elves.


Alternatively called cladotherian. A subcategory of otherkin wherein an individual does not identify as a distinct species, but instead a broader identity encompassing an entire genus (such as Canis or Canidea), or a larger grouping.


Otherkin who identifies as a group (clade) of animalistic mythical creatures.

Clinical Lycanthropy:

A psychiatric syndrome within which the patient has the delusional belief of turning into a wolf. Also known as clinical zoanthropy.


When two or more members of a system are actively controlling the physical body.


A subcategory of otherkin wherein an individual identifies as a concept, such as the night or fire.


An alternative way to refer to a constelic individual.


The type of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of a constelic person's identity as a constari.


Alternatively shortened to 'stel'. Refers to those that adopt an identity(s) throughout their lives. Constelic individuals can have any number of constelic identities, and the amount might fluctuate throughout their lifetime. You are not born with a constel, and stels may not be permanent. Constelic does not use 'with' or 'as' variations, and constels do not go by whether or not they're chosen.


A word used to describe a group of otherkin who all know each other and make a point to regularly communicate. May or may not also have ranks. Synonym of 'pack'. Alternatively, this word can refer to a group of constelic identities.


A sub-category of therianthropy. Contherians do not experience mental shifts, but are always passively in a state of both theriotype and human at the same time.


A voluntary identity with or as a nonhuman or fictional entity in order to cope with stress, trauma, mental illness, or something else.



Delusional Attachment:

When someone believes they are a fictional character due to delusions as a product of psychosis. It is not a medical term.


Alternatively written as 'demi-human'. A being who is partially human, and partially nonhuman.


Someone who has nonhuman experiences which influence their ability to differentiate reality from imagination, fiction, or general unreality, and who has experienced exclusion or ostracization on a societal level (such as for being LGBT+, for being disabled, etc).

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID):

A disorder characterized by the presence of two or more distinct individuals within one body. Oftentimes (but not always) includes amnesia when switching between headmates.


Someone who shares a kintype with a person, usually in the context of fictionkin.


Characteristics of or resembling a dragon.


The state, condition, or quality of being a dragon, or like a dragon.

Dream Shift:

A shift experienced in a dream, where one takes on the form and/or mentality of their kintype.


To 'drop' a kintype is to no longer retain it as an identity.


A personified other half of one’s internal dialogue, which usually has a name, gender and personality that often differs from that of said being. Dæmons are commonly imagined or projected in animal forms.


A being who knows and communicates with their dæmon.


The practice of communicating with one's dæmon.




A nonhuman or alterhuman self-identifier to describe one's identity being caused by, rooted in, or greatly influenced by (a) delusion.


A way to describe one's identity as being in relation to being caused by, rooted in, or greatly influenced by (a) delusion. ("My identity as this character is endelic.")


The type of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of an endel's identity as an endel.


A label, identity, concept, or emotion which feels important to the formation of one’s identity and arises from or is in direct connection to a noema or noemata.


Alternatively called erstbeing or erstcho. A term for those who initially had a chosen alterhuman identity, which then later became unchosen.


A word for creatures who are living shadows, made up of shadow, and other variations. This is a name for the experience of being a living shadow, humanoid or otherwise. It is a chosen identity.


The plural of essembra.


Trauma that has carried over from another identity or life.


A nonhuman member of a system.




A fictional identity facet in a median system.


A member of a median system.


Headmates that are based on a factual source, such as another person.


Someone who identifies as something from real life (usually a human).


The factual entity at the center of a factkin individual's identity as factkin.


Alternatively called phenixic and phoenixal. A term that describes alterhumans who believe that they died or otherwise left their past life, and were born again into this one. They may additionally believe that this process has happened many times before, and will continue in the future.


Alternatively called fictiotherian or fictherian. A nonhuman or nonhuman-identifying being with a human fictotype.


An identity that falls in a grey area around kintypes, usually caused by consumption of media. The identity tends to fade out eventually after the being stops consuming the media that the identity stems from.


An all-inclusive term for beings with any type of fictional identity.


A subcategory of otherkin for when one identifies as a fictional character, species, item, substance, and/or anything related to fiction. Also known as mediakin. Originally, those who identified as a fictional character were called otakukin, or otakin, but these terms have largely fallen out of use.


Headmates that are based on a fictional source, such as a fictional character.


An all-inclusive term for the of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of any fiction-based identity.


Describes the specific feeling fictives may get when rewatching or thinking of their source. It's similar to homesickness, exclusively for places that are fictional in this world.


The fictional creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of a fictionkin individual's identity as fictionkin.

Flicker Shift:

A shift which involves multiple shifts in itself, where strong shifts happen in rapid succession, with a lasting effect.


The experience of a person who experiences a form of involuntary, intrinsic nonhumanity with aspects of both animality and sapience, and which originates from or is personally intrinsically tied to mythology, folklore, or other forms of cultural legend.


When an individual in a system takes control of their shared body.




An event where participants of the otherkin community arrange to meet in person.


A public act or work that aims to inspire curiosity and childlike befuddlement, a change of thought process, belief in magic, belief in the fae, and/or a sense of wonder in the recipient.


Someone who considers their soul to be made from a 'shard'; part, element, or other similar aspect; of a deity, spirit, or other mythic entity, and who believes that they were made for a specific purpose in life.


A mortal consort of a deity.


Alternatively spelled 'greymuzzle'. A therian who has actively participated in the therian community for many years.


A derogatory way to refer to a human who does not identify as a dragon.




A draconic term for one's birthday.


A singular person, being or entity in a plural system or collective.


Alternatively known as an inner world. A place that members of a system can visit or inhabit, where they can talk to other headmates.


A location, or type of location, real or otherwise, that a being has a strong emotional connection to, considering it 'home' despite not having been raised or spent much time there.


The type of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of an otherhearted person's identity as an otherhearted.


An event where participants of the therian community arrange to meet in person.


Alternatively known as 'overhuman'. Being human, but also alterhuman. The user still considers themself human in some way, and finds importance with both their humanity and their alterhumanity.




One's strongest felt kintype. Also sometimes referred to as 'core kintypes'.


An umbrella term for alterhuman experiences in which their identity cannot be described, named, or understood by others.

Insourced Fictives:

Fictives that are based off a source of internal origin, such as an original story or role-playing persona.


An alter in a system or collective that are based on a source, fictional or otherwise.




A past life that forms part of your present core identity, but that you do not still identify as, unlike in the case of a past life kin.


Stands for 'kin for fun'. Describes those who voluntarily identify as otherkin for fun.


A shortening of the term 'otherkin'. Alternatively used as a suffix used to denote the creature, concept, entity or other thing at the center of an otherkin being's identity as otherkin. ("I am dragonkin.")


The state of feeling moved in relation to ones otherkin identity. Can also be used to say that one is wondering if something is a kintype.


A pun on 'kin' and 'confirm'. When someone confirms that something is a kintype.

Kinixus System:

The kinixus system, alternatively known as kinixustypes are a system to express morphing and unstable identities that may change often. An audixtype is the metaphorical root or main kintype others stem from. A ramustype is a metaphorical branch that holds significant weight which is less stable, but is integrel to your identity. A finistypes is the metaphorical leaf which may be the most unstable or loosely connected to the main root of the kintype.


Originally used by people against otherkin to insult otherkin. It is speculated to have been based off of the t-slur, to which it is very similar in structure.


An otherkin's nonhuman kintype. Usually used to differentiate between one's human self and one's nonhuman self.


A pun on 'kin' and 'considering'. When someone is wondering or is unsure if something is a kintype.


A character created by an otherkin member of the furry fandom, based on their kintype, for use in furry circles.


The type of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of an otherkin individual's identity as otherkin.


When a person experiences a strong connection and/or bond with a non human species. A synonym for otherhearted and synpath.




A suffix used to denote the creature, concept, entity or other thing at the center of an ostaliken being's identity.


The type of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of an ostaliken individual's identity as ostaliken.


The chosen type of creature, concept, entity, or other thing at the center of an otherlink person's identity as an otherlink.

Lucid Dream Shift:

A dream shift that takes place within a dream that is lucid. A lucid dream is a dream in which the dreamer realizes that they are dreaming, and can then do whatever they wish within the dream, including shifting. This differs from a non-lucid dream shift in that it is more likely intentional.




Being neither fully multiple, nor fully singlet, but an experience of plurality between the two.


An orientation label denoting alterhumans/nonhumans who are sexually and/or romantically attracted to other alterhumans or nonhumans; particularly those who identify as intelligent nonhuman creatures including monsters, aliens, or mythical creatures.


Images, scenarios, or senses someone who is otherkin remembers experiencing as their kintype. Sometimes shorted to 'mems'.

Mental Shift:

Also called an m-shift. A shift where one experiences what they believe to resemble the mentality and cognitive processes of their kintype.


A term meaning to be neither fully multiple, nor fully singlet, but to have an experience of multiplicity between the two, intended for usage by DID/OSDD systems.


An umbrella term for systems or collectives which contain multiple distinct individuals.

Multiverse Theory:

The theory that there are many alternate universes that exist, along with our own. This theory is often used as an explaination for multiple facets of kin identity.



Nephesh Mavar:

Reference to alterhumans whose identity is, at least in part, influenced by Jewish spirituality, theology or philosophy. It is Jewish-exclusive.


Knowledge about your kintype that is, in one way or another, inherent.


The plural of noema.


Someone who has a decidedly nonhuman, but otherwise undefined identity.


To not identify as human.


A rejection of species identification entirely. A rejection of categorizing yourself as human, nonhuman, or alterhuman.




A subcategory of otherkin for when one identifies as an object.


Someone whose alterhuman identity is influenced or caused by OCD obsessions, or intrusive thoughts.

Old(e) Fruit(e):

A dragon who has actively participated in the draconic community for many years.


A movement about rejection of human social norms, embracing abnormal experiences, embracing abnormal not-human behaviors, and other such things.


Also called otherlike(n). A personal identity which describes being 'like' another entity (such as having similar mannerisms, traits, behaviors, ect) on an integral level.

Other Specified Dissociative Disorder (OSSD):

A disorder characterized by having chronic dissociative symptoms such as identity alteration, but the alteration and separation between the identities not being as severe as in DID.


An individual who is of a transmigrated soul of a nonhuman being into a human vessel.


An alterhuman identity caused by, influenced by, or connected to a hyperfixation. Can be either an 'identify with', or an 'identify as' identity. Exclusive to individuals who fixate on one or more topics (and/or aspects of topics) of intense/passionate interest, with greater emphasis on the connection than a special interest. In other words: exclusive to those who experience a hyperfixation. (Including, but not limited to, those who are autistic, those who experience ADHD/DAVE, those who experience OCD, etc.).


Having a strong connection to a species, as opposed to identifying as one. '-hearted' is used in a similar way to '-kin'; as a suffix with the name of a creature to indicate what type of otherheart a being is. A synonym for kith and synpath.


For humans who are convinced they should have been born in another universe, including fictional. Is also used to describe 'other versions of humans'; usually in relation to primitive humans and/or Neanderthals.


A personal identity which describes identification which typically encompasses being wholly or partially a non-human entity.


The state of being otherkin.


A voluntary alterhuman identity.


A piece of a nonhuman entity in a living human vessel that does the entity's bidding. Similar to a Godshard, but doesn't inherently imply a deity.


An alterhuman identity caused by, influenced by, or connected to a special interest. Can be either an 'identify with', or an 'identify as' identity. Exclusive to autistic beings.

Outsourced Fictives:

Fictives that are based off of a source of external origin, such as a book or TV show.




A word used to describe a group of otherkin who all know each other and make a point to regularly communicate. May or may not also have ranks. Synonym of 'constellation'.


A sub-category of therianthropy. A therian who identifies as an extinct species that at one time existed on Earth.

Parallel Lives:

When one believes that they have another existence which is seemingly chronologically parallel to one's current existence.


A character, animal, or mythical creature that is not a kin/therio/fictotype or a hearttype, but somehow feels important to your established identity.


A kintype that encompasses an entire fictional source.


To be used in place of 'remember' when one doesn't wish to describe their experience as a memory.


The state of permanently being in a shift for a kintype.

Phantom Limbs:

When someone experiences sensations in a limb or part of the body that does not exist.

Phantom Shift:

Also called a ph-shift. A shift where one experiences non-corporeal body parts associated with their kintype.


A view of projection that isn't traveling to a different place, but is shifting one's awareness to a different vibrational frequency. When used in alterhuman circles, it is typically used to refer to phasing to feel as if their kintype is one with them.

Physical Shift:

Also called a p-shift. When one physically becomes their kin/therio/fictotype. This is not thought to be possible.


Also called plantkin. An individual who identifies as a species of plant.


An umbrella term for being 'more than one'.


A subcategory of fictionkin for when one identifies as one of the creatures from the media franchise Pokémon.


An otherkin individual who has more than one kintype.


A subsection of the furry fandom with an interest in pushing the boundaries of what it means to be furry. Many postfurries display a similar culture and/or belief system when compared to the alterhuman community.




To be unsure if, or to not care if, one's identity is involuntary or voluntary.




Able to be directly translated as 'the yearning of the soul', this word was coined with the intention of being similar to 'hiraeth', but without the implications of describing the pain of a whole culture or people. Saknsálr is the nostalgic and sorrowful longing for something that no longer is, or is somehow unattainable. It can refer to worlds, people, places, items, or anything else. It can be used as a feeling or a state of being.

Sensory Shift:

A shift where one experiences heightened or altered senses that they feel resemble the senses of their kintype.


When a being enters the mindset of their kintype, or is focusing on a particular connection. Can also refer to shapeshifting.

Shifter's Disease:

Not a literal disease or sickness. Occurs when a being starts reading on therian topics, and begins to trick themselves into thinking that normal feelings and sensations are evidence of being a therian.


Someone who is not plural.


A subcategory of otherkin wherein an individual identifies as a song.


Someone with whom you tend to reincarnate with across multiple lifetimes, and with which you have a deep bond. Often used in a romantic context, but not always. Alternatively also used to describe a member of a system or a presence in one's mind that is based on a character or real individual.


The article of fictional media that a fictotype is from.

Species Dysphoria:

The experience of dysphoria (discomfort, distress and unease) involving the belief of one's body being the wrong species.

Species Euphoria:

The experience of feeling euphoria when one is able to present, represent or be addressed as their correct species.


An alternative term to describe alienkin; someone who identifies as something/someone from another planet, universe or dimension. Also see 'wanderer'. (This word also has a history of being used for parents of autistic children to say that their children are aliens, so should be used with caution.)


A therian whose primary or sole theriotype is integrated into their baseline personality.


The act of one headmate in a plural system taking the place of another in controlling their body; changing who is in front.


To identify with, but not as, something. A synonym of kith and otherhearted.


A collection of alters within one body.




Sometimes shortened to therian. Beings who identify, in some intrinsic way, as an animal.


Beings who identify, in some intrinsic way, as a mythical creature.


A therianthrope being's animal side.


The type of animal at the center of a therian individual's identity as a therian.


An umbrella term for any mental entity created with intention, including (but not limited to) headmates.


An ideology centered around transforming humanity with technology.


To identify as a different species than what one is perceived as.


A headmate which was intentionally created.


A being who creates tulpas.


A practice in which a being creates tulpas. It and its associated terms are debated in terms of if they would qualify as cultural appropriation, due to tulpamancy's roots in Tibetan Buddhism.


A suffix often used to denote the creature, concept, entity or other thing at the center of an alterhuman's identity.




To have been human in the past, but not anymore.



Vacillant Therianthropy:

A therian whose nonhuman identity is integrated into their baseline personality. They don't feel as though they have a separate human side and animal side.


A nebulous identity which partially falls under multiple alterhuman categories, or requires multiple alterhuman labels to describe it. May also be used in cases where one cannot or does not want to clarify their identity, or has no adequate terms to describe it.


Alternatively known as 'vaire'. A term describing one who unequivocally and involuntarily identifies as something other than human due to comorbid neurodivergencies. (Example: One who unequivocally and involuntarily identifies as a cat due to being schizo-spec and amistic could identify as a vairecat, catvairel, and/or refer to their experience as 'schizo-amistic catvairelity' or simply 'catvairelity.')


Alternatively known as 'varisex' or 'sex variant'. A label for anyone who does not completely conform to the societal and cultural ideas or roles of sex, including psychological, physical, skeletal and more.


Alternatively known as 'vianthrope' or 'viarian'. A polymorph/shapeshifter who’s appearance fluctuates in percentage or ratio of human/humanoid/non-humanoid/nonhuman traits.


An alterhuman identity that someone earned, and that was not always present, as if it were just given life.




An alternative term to describe alienkin; someone who identifies as something/someone from another planet, universe or dimension. Also see 'starseed'.


The original term for therians. Taken from 'werewolf'.


A pseudonym or handle by which a therianthrope chooses to be known as in the therianthrope community.


A derogatory term for a being who wishes to be otherkin or fictionkin and spends time in the kin communities, but does not identify as nonhuman or as a fictional character.




Someone whose alterhumanity is influenced or caused by MaDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder)/neuronarrating.